Obora Žehrov

Žehrov Reserve offers fallow deer, mouflon and wild boar
hunting in the wild…



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  1. Evaluated sign
    1. Length of the horns
    2. Circumference of horn at 1st quarter
    3. Circumference of horn at 2nd quarter
    4. Circumference of horn at 3rd quarter
    5. Width of the Horns
  2. Other characteristics
    1. Additional fees
      1. The color of the horn
      2. Growth of rings on Horns
      3. Winding of Growth of Horns
    2. Deductions
      1. Concrescence of horns
      2. Asymmetry and structural defects of the horn
  3. C index
    1. If there is a difference Circumference of Stem – between the size and span of less than 0.7, 
      horns are regarded as abnormal in they are not assessed.


  1. Length of the antlers
  2. Length of the brow tine
  3. Length of the palm
  4. Width of the palm
  5. Circumference of the pedicle
  6. Circumference of the beam – between the brow tine and royal antler in the thinnest spot
  7. Circumference of the beam – between the royal antler and the palm in the thinnest spot
  8. The estimated dry weight of antlers
  9. Surcharges for: color, form, maturity, shape in regularity
  10. Precipitation points: the lack of size, defects of palm (carp, triangular, jagged palm, defects of palm edges, irregularity in deformation.


  1. Length of Lower Tusk
  2. Width of Lower Tusk
  3. Circumference of Upper tusk
  • Lower Tusk max. 2 points for the color, uniform in curvature of the upper and outer surface of upper tusk, size of grinded tusk, tip shape, circular curvature
  • Upper Tusks max. 3 points for: dark brown to black in color on grinded part of tusk, curvature of tusks
  • 0-10 points: grind of Upper Tusk, the asymmetry of upper tusks and lower tusks, and immeasurability between upper and lower tusks.